Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

After being deleted drafts get into the Deleted form.

Image Modified
Fig. 1 – Deleted form


Deleting drafts is available in the following forms:

The table can be filtered by:

  • instrument types. The Image Added button indicates that the filtering will be applied only to the selected instruments. The Image Added button indicates that filtering will be applied to all instruments, except for the selected instruments;;
  • last change date;
  • attachment;
  • name – search by the draft name;
  • parties (last changed by)

Image Added

Fig. 2 – attached file 

Clicking on the Image Added button opens a block of filters settings. After the settings has been specified, click the button Image Added to apply filtering. This will generate a table with drafts corresponding to the filter parameters (read more here).

The content and principles of working with information in the Deleted form are similar to ones for Drafts form, except for the set of buttons in the pop-up toolbar. Tools available for working with deleted messages are described in Table 1.


ButtonDescriptionCalling the form

Calling the view draft form        

Clicking on the button opens the electronic form of the document, where you can view and print the data

Restore document

Clicking on button opens a confirmation window, in which you need to click the OK button to restore the document.

The restored message will be displayed in the Drafts form.

Image AddedKeep the draft in the xml file

 To restore several drafts you need to check the appropriate checkboxes next to drafts name (Fig. 23.1)Then click the button on the toolbar to perform an operation (Fig. 23.2).

Fig. 2 3 – working with several orders
