A non-resident is not a client of the repository

If a non-resident refused to provide information to the repository and terminates agreement with the NSD, codes SWIFT, LEI, Thomson Reuters and Bloomberg should be used when completing the master agreement/contract form in the Web-client for the respective non-resident counterparty. Detailed information is provided in the section Registration of transactions with non-repository clients.

Details on the codes are listed in the Directory of counterparties.

A non-resident is a client of the repositor

If a non-resident refused to provide information, but remains a customer of the repository, Basic reporting agent and reporting agent of this foreign counterparty will receive statements on registered contracts. When filling out an electronic form of a general agreement/contract in the Web-client the following rules should be observed:

  1. in the Party 1 or Party 2 fields, depending on which of the parties under the master agreement is a non-resident, you must specify the non-resident’s repository code (Fig. 1);

    Repository code of a non-resident, who refused to provide statements, but being a customer of the repository, is specified in the в Directory of counterparties, marked with Y in the field Sign of refusal to provide information.

    Figure 1 – repository code of a non-resident

  2. in the field Basic reporting agent of party 1 (2) specify the repository code of the Basic reporting agent of a non-resident that corresponds to one of the powers of attorney issued by a non-resident to the Basic reporting agent, or the non-resident’s repository code (Fig. 2);

    Changing the value of this field is not necessary, when making changes to the Master agreement form sheet.

    Figure 2 – repository code of the non-resident’s BRA

  3. choose all Both parties in the Master agreement party field (Figure 3.1), and provide the repository code of the Russian side reporting agent (i.e. RA = RA2) in the Reporting agent field (Fig. 3.2). The appointed reporting agent will provide information to the repository and receive statements on this type of transaction for both parties of the MA;

    Figure 3  RA of the Russian side

  4. in the field Party that does not provide statements indicate the non-resident party of the MA (Fig. 4), which does not provide information in the repository.

    Figure 4 – filling parameters
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