To work with documents containing UTI code there are two tabs in Web-client:

  • Outgoing UTI – contains outgoing documents with UTI, which was formed in the creating / editing form in the Web-client;
  • Incoming UTI – contains incoming documents from other parties.

On the page:

Fig. 1 – Incoming/Outgoing UTI form

Incoming/outgoing UTI form contains the following information:

Fig. 2 – Outgoing UTI form

The documents can be filtered by:

Fig. 3 – Filtering

Clicking on the  button opens a block of filters settings. After the settings has been specified, click the button  to apply filtering. This will generate a table with drafts corresponding to the filter parameters (read more here).

To make the display user-friendly, you can customize some display settings (see General Settings)

UTI editing

UTI is formed according to the Central Bank requirements.

You can Add UTI code on the creating/editing form.

Fig. 4 – creating/editing form


In Drafts form, you can create UTI for the several documents:
  1. Select drafts by checking the chekbox and click the UTI bu

  2. Click the Apply button.

    Forms containing UTI field: CM010, CM015, CM021-CM081.