Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Fig. 4 – toolbar

The toolbar buttons are described in Table 1.

Table 1 – Toolbar buttons



Clicking on button the user is taken to the account editing form

The account editing form allows the administrator to change name, login name, account type and email address

Clicking on button opens an account password change form

After changing the password the technical administrator must deliver the new password to the user. When the user first logs into the Web-client, he must change the password to be able to further work in the system



Clicking on this button the user is taken to the delete account confirmation form. Deleted user accounts are displayed in the Deleted accounts tab

Сhanging roles

There are two ways to change user roles.

The first way: click the  button. As a result, the account editing form will open. In this form you need to select a value in the Account type drop-down list (fig. 5.1) and click OK button to save it (fig. 5.2).

Fig. 5 – changing roles

The second way:

  1. check the appropriate checkboxes at the accounts to be changed (fig. 6.1). As a result, the Edit role button will be shown;

    Fig. 6 – Role tab

  2. click the Edit role button (fig. 6.2);

  3. choose the necessary role (fig. 7.1);

    Fig. 7 – changing the 
    account type

  4. click the Select button (fig. 7.3) to apply settings.

Deleted accounts

The tab Deleted accounts displays a list of deleted accounts. You can restore a deleted account by clicking the  button, which opens on hovering the mouse over the row in the table. The restored accounts are displayed in the Active accounts tab (fig. 8).

Fig. 8 – Deleted accounts tab

User roles in the system

By default in Web-client has three types of accounts (technical administrator, administrator, operator). The list of available roles is displayed in the Role tab (fig. 9).

Fig. 9 – Role tab

If the the parameters of the basic roles are not suitable for solving problems, you can create custom roles and specify access rights for them. To do this:

  1. click on the  button. As a result, the New role window will appear (fig. 10.1);

    Fig. 10 –  new account role

  2. enter the role name (fig. 10.1);
  3. specify forms and rights available for the role by checking the appropriate checkboxes (fig. 10.2 and 10.3);


    To use tabular reports you need to specify Reports (fig. 11.1) form and Enable/Disable daily tabular reports right (fig. 11.2) by checking the appropriate checkboxes

  4. click the Save button (fig. 10.4).

As a result, a new role will be created. You can change access rights of the role using the  button in the pop-up toolbar. Clicking the button opens a window, where you will need to enter the required values and click the Save button.

To delete a custom role you need to click on the  button. If the Web-client has an active account with this role, the button will be unavailable.


You cannot delete or edit the basic roles.

To download role list click  button above the tableAs a result, the table with the following data will be downloaded ta computer ithe Excel format (.xlsx).

Operations log

The operations log records all events that occurred in the system during the user experience. Operation logs are used to determine the source of current system malfunctions, as well as to prevent possible problems. The information in the log (fig. 11) is displayed in the form of a table that contains:

  • operation number;
  • date and time;
  • user name;
  • category and the name of the operation. 

Fig. 11 – operations log 

 Each record in the table can be opened for detailed view (fig. 12) with the button  that pops up when hovering the mouse over the table row. 

Fig. 12 – operation details

By default, the log displays all operations. Certain operations (for example, performed by an administrator) can be viewed using filters. To apply filters, to open the settings bar by clicking on button  and define the required parameters (fig. 13).

Fig. 13 – setting up filters

Filters implemented in the Web-client are described in Table 2.

Table 2 – Filters for configuring the operations log

Filter number
on fig. 13

Filter nameDescription
2By accountsThe filter is used to display operations that were performed under a specific account



By category

The filter is used to display operations of the following categories:

  • Account – this category displays operations that were performed to an account

    (login/logout, password change);

  • Admin this category displays the operations that were performed with an account

    (create, edit, delete account);

  • Drafts this category displays operations that were performed with draft documents. 

4Entries per pageThe filter is used to set the number of transactions to be displayed on a page
5SectionThe filter is used to display Archive that contains operations performed 7 days ago

Operations corresponding to your search criteria will be displayed in the table.

Operations log can be downloaded ta computer in the Excel format (version excel 2007/2010) by clicking the  button above the table. If the filter is not configured, the entire log will be downloaded. If set filter settings, the specific events will be downloaded.


The Notifications form (fig. 14) displays a list of system transactions and errors that occurred during their performance. The notification contains time (fig. 14.1) and text of the operation (fig. 14.2). Notifications are displayed in order of receipt. New incoming messages are displayed at the top of the table.


 Fig. 14 – Notifications form

In this form, the following categories of notifications are available for viewing:

  • export of the BRA roles;
  • export of master agreements;
  • export of outgoing messages;
  • export of incoming messages;
  • export of contracts;
  • export of TransfersAndExecution;
  • export of contract statuses;

  • export of packages from the repository.

To start all operations click  (fig. 15.1). To start a specific category of tasks you need to select a category from the drop-down list (figure 15.2) and click  (fig. 15.3).

Fig. 15 – select the notification category

 The Notifications form displays not only informational messages, but also system errors. To view them:

  1. сlick on the  button;
  2. click on  in the Display filed;
  3. select the type of notifications from the dropdown list (fig. 16.1);
  4. click on (see fig. 16.2). 

Fig. 16 – select the notification type  

 Example of a system error messages is shown in fig. 17.

Figure 17 – system error notification

For user's convenience the viewed messages can be grouped under a separate category Read. To do this click on button in front of the necessary notifications. To see current and viewed notifications click on the drop-down list (Fig. 18.1), select the type of messages and click Show (Fig. 18.2).

 Fig. 18 – select the type of notification

Background tasks

The Background tasks form contains a list of system messages about operations that are at the stage of execution. The following categories of tasks are available for viewing in this form:

  • export of the BRA Base Reporting Agent roles;
  • export of master agreements;
  • export of outgoing messages;
  • export of incoming messages;
  • export of contracts;
  • export of TransfersAndExecution;
  • export of contract statuses;
  • export of packages from the repository.

Click to start all background tasks. To start a specific category click  on the drop-down list and select a category, then click on button  (fig. 19). 

Fig. 19  Background tasks form

This will display a list of tasks in the form of a table, where each row contains the time and the text of the task.

Import settings

 To choose import mode go to Accounts→Settings and set checkbox:

  1.  –  cleared messageId and correlationId; – import drafts without changes;
  2. lock changing the Import mode;

Fig. 20 – settings form

To save changes click Save button. Settings will be applied for for all users.